
Annie Liang Shares Her second single “Secret Rose”-Enjoy


New York, singer-songwriter Annie Liang emerges as a rising star,   with the release of her second single, “Secret Rose.” This enchanting bedroom pop melody unfolds a narrative of intimate love, weaving soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics into a mesmerizing tapestry.

Liang, not just a melody weaver but also a dedicated dance student, gracefully balances her time between the studio and the demanding schedule of classes and rehearsals. Her commitment to both dance and music reflects a multidimensional artist, a testament to her creative versatility.

The gentle piano-driven cadence of “Secret Rose” invites listeners on a sweet yet nervous journey, capturing the essence of discovering love for the first time in a tumultuous world. Liang’s artistry goes beyond the boundaries of genres, creating a musical experience that resonates with the complexities of the human heart.

As a budding pop artist, Annie Liang is carving her path with a potent blend of a strong work ethic, a genuine desire to learn from the ground up, and an unwavering commitment to success. Her journey unfolds as she navigates the intricate dance of pursuing careers in both music and dance, refusing to be confined to a single artistic realm.

Looking ahead, 2024 promises to be a bustling year for this young New Yorker. Annie Liang plans to captivate audiences with the release of six singles, a prelude to her eagerly anticipated debut album slated for the following year. The stage is set for an immersive musical odyssey that invites fans to witness the evolution of an artist poised for greatness.

Written by
Barbie Edonia


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