
Anonymous singer-songwriter Peter Lake Returns with New Music ‘Sweet Sour Mind’


New York base Anonymous singer-songwriter, Peter Lake who relishes in secrecy releases new single, Sweet Sour mind.

Curtis Mayfield, Motown, Billie Eilish, and Rüfüs Du Sol are some of his musical influences. As a result, it is not surprising that he has experimented with rock, pop, indie, and house. According to Lake, merging genres has broadened the possibilities for song production. More than any other song in history, a song that successfully connects the beneficial elements of several musical genres has the ability to appeal to a wider audience. Lake has been writing and honing his craft in the studio for the last few years.

The song mentions gray haze—this is the ghost of a trauma that follows you. In this instance, my ghost is the memory of a woman I loved who suddenly became very religious, and decided she had to be with a more religious man than me. For me, she was what I loved, she was my spirit. So if you remove that, what happens to me? The song goes back and forth between the gray haze of loss, and my faith that our optimism and sense of adventure—and sense of humor about being alive—prevails. Some days are sour and some days are sweet. But somehow, you just wake up one day, and after all the tears, all the sadness, you have a normal day.

Maybe the friendly girl at the coffee shop smiles at me, and I kind of blush and awkwardly introduce myself. Or maybe it’s just a clear day and my mother calls to say hello. If you can wait and endure some painful time, no matter how hard the trauma, we survive. I don’t know why, but somehow it’s fine in our sweet sour minds.

Stream below;

Written by
Barbie Edonia


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