
Dominican composer and minister Felipe Debrand unveils his highly anticipated album, “Por Su Gracia”


Breaking the ice at the beginning of the year on the Christian music scene, bilingual Dominican composer and minister Felipe Debrand comes up with his highly anticipated Album, “Por Su Gracia” (“For His Grace”). This album which is the epitome of roots music and consists of ten songs descriptive of the genre, is amazingly mind-blowing, and I guess you would love the experience.

Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Debrand is a remarkable talent who harmoniously mixed his love of music with his spirituality, thus, being a key person in the way the Dominican music is currently viewed as. “Por su gracia” is an expression of his ability to make music that reminds people about how beautiful life is and that they always find reason to smile.

Every song on the album is filled with spiritual knowledge, encouraging words, and themes of wealth, all showing how well the artist understands his faith. Via the lyrical synopsis, Brand reveals a path leading the audience toward the inner peace by means of the high power of tunes.

Successfully focused on the sauce genre and leaving no stone unturned, Brand Debrand teams up producers of national caliber such as Angel La Clave from the Dominican Republic and Eliezer Morla Morban, who added their spin in the song “He Venido”. The combination of two-strong sides of Debrand and his talent and production skills is a blend that guarantees fans exceptional listening experience.

In the course of celebrating his first five successful years in the music industry with his fans, Debrand endearingly says, “It is with great gratitude that I celebrate my first 5 years in music through the release of my private song collection one of my favorite Latin rhythms, the sauce.”

“Por Su Gracia” is a record rather than merely an album itself it is a celebration of faith, music and the journey to discover the self. The road song with its mood lifting instruments and most importantly affectionate words is sure to leave all of the listeners seeking spiritual upgrading winners of the musical contest.

Stream Full Album below.

Written by
Barbie Edonia


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