Joseph Rutakangwa has released his new song titled, “Summer We Were Young,” which is such a perfect representation of the perfect summer days. Because of the joyful appearance of this song with a clear and dynamic dance rhythm, people can return to the pleasant summer experiences, which is why it is suitable for hot summer days.
‘Summer We Were Young’ was created during the most liberating 12 hours straight recording session powered with inspiration and burritos. And this is a song that talks of moments that are classic and conjure the fairy dust of young and free spirited. Through the lyrics of Rutakangwa, he creates the beautiful picture of summer days, which if penned onto a canvas, would make people wish to keep such days intact.

The song begins with an intriguing melody and percussion as Joseph starts singing, “I remember when we used to play. . . ” While having such a powerful and appealing summertime sound, the song is quite slow at first. At roughly 0:35 seconds, the beat becomes more upbeat and begins to groove, thus making the audience feel like dancing. The dynamics changes persist throughout the song and the pace slows down at even around 1:01.
This fluctuation between the bound and the tempo makes the song unique and easily enjoyable for every individual. Random voices akin to the crowd appear at 2:10, accompanied by clap-like synth unison, making the song more associated with togetherness or a celebration. Joseph also adds in the ad-lib towards this part of the song to add not just the tune but also bring out the hummable hook and the subject’s relate-ability.
The song is full of dance rhythms yet has also an evoking melody, capable of waking up the best summer memories in all of us, we once was young. It’s more about fun and joyful episodes of youth which people can recall and immediately connect with the magical feeling of being young.
The focus on fast and complex rhythms, thought-provoking words, and variations in the rhythm of the piece form an experience that leaves an impression on people.