
Renowned jazz artist Faith Harris reveals her newest single, “Paradise”


In an era where the need for introspection and unity is more pronounced than ever, acclaimed jazz musician Faith Harris unveils her latest single, “Paradise,” from the soulstirring album, “What Matters.” This release comes as a beacon of light, a musical embodiment of accountability, respect, and love that aims to uplift the human spirit amidst a world of chaos.

“Paradise” is not just a song; it’s an experience, a journey to a world where mutual respect and
personal responsibility reign supreme. Through her melodious storytelling, Faith Harris invites
listeners to envision a world not as it is, but as it could be – a paradise where love underpins
our actions towards ourselves and others.

Born and raised in the musical and cultural melting pot of Buffalo, New York, Faith’s musical
odyssey began in the pews of St. Phillips Episcopal Church. Under her mother’s guidance,
herself a classically-trained vocalist, Faith’s early encounters with hymns and anthems ignited a
lifelong passion for music that speaks to the soul. Following her debut album, “The Time Is Right,” which established her presence as a formidable jazz artist, Faith’s latest project, “What Matters,” resonates with her deep commitment to using her music as a force for good. Released in celebration of Black History Month, the album weaves together themes of love, respect, and personal accountability into a rich tapestry of sound that is both healing and inspirational.

Faith Harris reflects on her creative process, stating, “I regard the music I make as a mindful
meditation, a prayer, and storytelling to encourage and uplift the human spirit and condition.
While I put care and attention into everything I create, some works, like ‘Paradise’ and the title
track ‘What Matters,’ hold a special place in my heart for the message they carry.”
“Paradise” stands as a testament to Faith Harris’s unique ability to conjure vivid musical
landscapes that inspire reflection and action.


Written by
Barbie Edonia


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