With the release of “Sourou,” Doguissimi unveils a reinvention of her writing, marking a rediscovery of her artistic path. This track is a reappropriation of her identity, embracing her uniqueness. “Sourou” invites listeners to be patient in the face of life’s challenges and to hold onto hope for better days.
The song is an experience to savor, encouraging the listener to let time flow and to lose themselves in its melody. In an era where everything moves quickly, creating a long song is a bold move. Yet, it would be paradoxical to write an ode to patience and hope while rushing through it.
“Sourou” is an invitation to rediscover the virtues of taking one’s time and an exhortation to allow ideas to mature before fully enjoying them. Often, the opportunities that seem to pass us by are merely biding their time to return, improved and ready for us.