
Rich Campanella and The Sunrise Band Deliver a Powerful Anthem “New Wind Comin”


Rich Campanella, a gifted singer and songwriter together with The Sunrise Band has provided us with a song a powerful that may be compared to a chant or slogan for a great number of people titled “New Wind Comin.”

The lyrics of the song is about unification. Rich and the band encourages everyone to come together and work toward promoting unity. Putting an emphasis on the significance of togetherness and solidarity, they send a loud and clear message to listeners and encourages them to come together and behave as brothers.

“New Wind Comin'” is really good song because it has a strong and smooth rhythm. It’s filled with lots of tunes, solos, and cool guitar parts that are put together perfectly. It sounds really nice and organized, it also has a beautiful and smooth sound where every note can be heard well. The whole song has a solid and lively structure—a strong and exciting blues rock song that’s not like the usual blues music.

The song starts with a rocking riff, storming Hendrix-ey guitars, and warm organs and how these instruments played gave the song it rocking feel. The guitar in the song is powerful, with cool effects, and it brings back the awesome sounds from the 70s and 80s. The singing is great too which made the whole song more thrilling.

“New Wind Comin'” is a really good song that proves Rich Campanella and The Sun Rise Band are talented musicians and writers. They did a great job making their music sound bigger and more detailed without losing any of their style. The music has a clear and strong sound, with guitars, organs, and energetic drums all playing together in an exciting way.

Enjoy below.

Written by
Barbie Edonia


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