
The Attack the Sound band Delves into Life Experience with their new song “Fadiya”


The song is based on the singer’s personal stories of thinking about joining the army, the song addresses such concerns as being separated from families and not knowing what comes next.

The track starts with acoustic electric guitars with an ambient sound accompanied by a minimalistic drum kit giving a background to a reflective mood. The drums give the song baseline, holding it down to provide an environment for the feelings to thrive into.  Also the trumpets and trombones too gave the song some sweet jazzy vibe. From lead vocalist Davo Sounds we have a clear, high powerful soul-like voice that is deep in thought. As he sings of hope and fear coming hand in hand his voice involves listeners into the song’s emotional context.

Harmonies are also played throughout to some extent to enrich the already highly elaborate sound work. And the rhythmic lush and mellow blend of the melodies is a reminiscence of the producer’s love for jazz/R&B/hip hop music. The moves from one genre to the other does not interrupt the performance, this makes it challenging, but interesting to listen to.

With respect to its track structure further into the song rich accoutrements fasten around vocals the subject matter of internal turmoil and longing. “Fadiya” is an emotional experience that reflects the main theme of hope and hesitation simultaneously.

Lyrically, as well as in its sound, “Fadiya” is a work that speaks to understanding, energy and anyone who is faced with life decision. Attack the Sound seems to create something which is individual and global at the same time, when people need a word of comfort in an unpredictable world.


Written by
Barbie Edonia


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