Zaka La Vista, also known as Zaka2054, has released a new song titled “Monday to Monday.” Zaka, a director and beatmaker who first appeared on the music scene in the 2000s, was born in Marseille to parents from the Comoros. His unique style and talent as a sound producer quickly established him in the music industry, often working alongside his partner Abys One.
Early in his career, Zaka La Vista collaborated with various artists, enriching their music with his distinctive compositions. Over the years, his influence in the music industry has grown through remarkable collaborations with renowned artists.
In 2024, Zaka La Vista achieved a significant milestone by releasing his first solo song, “Monday to Monday.” This track quickly garnered attention from music lovers, affirming Zaka’s position as a promising solo artist. The song’s distinctive style and captivating beats have resonated with many listeners, showcasing his exceptional talent and creativity.
“Monday to Monday” is a testament to Zaka La Vista’s ability to craft engaging and unique music. His distinctive sound, characterized by innovative beats and a fresh approach, makes this song a standout. Since its release, Zaka has continued to work on new projects, expanding his musical footprint and pushing creative boundaries.
With a career that continues to evolve and a wellspring of endless creativity, Zaka La Vista remains a pillar of the music scene. He is poised to inspire a new generation and keep pushing the limits of his craft. “Monday to Monday” is just the beginning of what promises to be an exciting solo journey for Zaka La Vista.