2250 Articles4 CommentsRapper and vocalist Dax based in Canada released a soul enraging tune titled “Life,” that captivates the soul and heals the broken hearted...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 15, 2023Azure Kai, a talented student artist hailing from Monmouth University, has recently made waves in the music scene with her catchy and infectious...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 15, 2023Following the release of “Pretty,” Chandra is here with a new captivating single called “Smile (No Fox Gibbon),” a song that will surely...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 13, 2023The London-based band JW Paris has released a new song to talk about the use of social media and some of its impact...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 13, 2023Hailing from the vibrant world of the circus, Belgian-Irish prodigy Frankie Rose Duffy emerges as a musical force, reshaping modern blues with echoes...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2023Debbie Soul, the rising star in the music scene, has just released her latest single, “The One,” and it’s available now on all...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2023Bournemouth, UK In a jubilant celebration of 15 years of musical camaraderie, the cherished trio Porterstone, comprised of Jase, Andy, and Rob, is...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2023Renowned Olivier-nominated actor Aimie Atkinson, celebrated for her outstanding performances in West End Musicals like Pretty Woman, In the Heights, Death Note, and...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2023Amen Viana releases new album called “Afrocanalyst” Amen Viana is a multi-talented musician who excels in playing guitar, singing, composing, and arranging, all...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2023In the wake of 2023, Honey Ribar, the talented artist, has unveiled her final song of the year, a musical creation that she...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2023