2250 Articles4 CommentsAzato’s new single, “Columbus,” is a bold and thought-provoking piece that challenges historical myths and confronts painful truths. The song reflects on the...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2024In “Yahweh (Make a Way),” rising star DAMIEDON delivers a soul-stirring anthem that blends his expressive vocals with introspective, heartfelt lyrics. Produced by...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2024J’calm’s new single, “Lost in Time” brings listeners into a spontaneous, exciting moment that many can relate to: the thrill of unexpectedly connecting...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 12, 2024Hanr’s new single, “One Time” dives into the powerful emotions of a romantic relationship, painting an honest and complex portrait of love’s impact....
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 8, 2024Distance by J’Calm is that perfect song for a chilly winter evening when the person you love is miles away. This heartfelt track...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 8, 2024Montreal’s own Taigenz has officially released his highly anticipated album, “Chop Life”, an 11-track journey that showcases his growth and dedication to his...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 8, 2024NYC singer/songwriter/pianist Lizzie Thomas unveils her powerful new single “Community,” an anthem calling for unity, hope, and peace. Released with an inspiring music...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 8, 2024Kelli Young Hart, known for her mesmerizing voice and diverse musical influences, releases her highly anticipated debut EP, “Wonderful,” on September 25, 2024....
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 7, 2024Stephanie Sellars has just released the music video for her single “Girl Who Loves” on September 22, 2024. This original jazz composition combines...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 7, 2024“Sortilège” by Julie Tuzet marks the first glimpse into her upcoming EP “Confidences,” set for release in December 2024. After a decade in...
ByBarbie EdoniaNovember 7, 2024