
Coma Beach releases “Another Song,” the third song on their album “Scapegoats Agony”


Music band Coma Beach released a track titled “Another Song,” the third song on their album “Scapegoats Agony.”

“Another Song” delves into keenly taking the time to look into the abnormalities and cruelties in life. For example, people are not treated equally in societies; people pay good with evil; love turns to hatred; people are not getting what they deserve in life, etc. The song lyrics use sarcasm to explain the cynicism of people about the various aspects and dimensions of life.

The song was produced together by singer B. Kafka, the band leader, guitarist Captain A. Fear, and drummer M. Lecter, with bassist U. Terror and rhythm guitarist M. Blunt completing the line up.
Guitars and percussion progressions give the tune a punk rock sound. The drum rolls, transitions, and rhythm sound so exciting and exhilarating.

The vocal delivery from band leader B. Kafka is a strong and powerful one that will keep the interest of every music listener high enough to listen to the song over and over again. With such vocal range and energy, no wonder the song has a charging feel and is so electrifying. To sum up, the production work on the song is awesome; the vocal mix and instrumental got clarity, making it easier to hear the tones and words from the lyrics quite well.

“Another Song” is bound to do marvelously well on the stores on punk rock and alternative rock playlists. I suggest every rock music lover should put this song on their list because the energy and message it delivers are top-notch.

Stream on Spotify below.

Follow Coma Beach on social media.




Written by
Barbie Edonia


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