Saxophonist Michael Cates is back with a bang, presenting his latest radio single, “Get On It,” produced by the talented Greg Manning. Following...
ByBarbie EdoniaFebruary 17, 2024Inspired by the natural world, Mark Vickness has collaborated with his musical collective, Mark Vickness Interconnected, also known as MVI, to release a...
ByBarbie EdoniaDecember 3, 2023The Israeli producer HEVI LEVI is back with another diverse and rhythmic melodic-techno track called ‘Back Room.’ This 7:01 instrumentation got me smiling;...
ByBarbie EdoniaOctober 22, 2023In an exciting musical venture, Zahed Sultan has unveiled “El Remixes,” a captivating collection of reimagined songs that offers a fresh perspective on...
ByBarbie EdoniaAugust 26, 2023Sonic Redoubt Entertainment has recently made waves in the music industry with its latest announcement of the digital release of “South 45,” a...
ByBarbie EdoniaAugust 26, 2023Norwegian composer, jazz guitarist, and pianist Jon Thorstensen is a visionary artist who continually pushes the boundaries of jazz, exploring its connections with...
ByBarbie EdoniaAugust 12, 2023Meet the talented French saxophonist, composer, and producer based in Berkeley, California – an artist with a passion for creating unique and captivating...
ByBarbie EdoniaAugust 5, 2023Introducing Jon Thorstensen, a gifted Norwegian pianist, jazz guitarist, and composer who pushes the envelope in jazz. His most recent song, “Lemon Sweet,”...
ByBarbie EdoniaJuly 21, 2023Building a style he describes as “reckless abandon,” Bailhé explores ideas through music and narrative dance. The scenario for Shiva in flagrante tells...
ByBarbie EdoniaMay 21, 2023