
Discover “In The Rain Shadow”: Mark Vickness and MVI’s Dynamic Instrumental Album Inspired by the Natural World


Inspired by the natural world, Mark Vickness has collaborated with his musical collective, Mark Vickness Interconnected, also known as MVI, to release a dynamic new instrumental album titled “In The Rain Shadow.”

“In The Rain Shadow” has nine solid tracks and has lush, multi-layered instrumentation and powerful themes that is sure to please listeners who are fans of jazz, classical and progressive rock.

When the band made a move to the high desert in late 2020, more specifically to Owens Valley in California, was a significant factor that informed and motivated the making of the musics that are featured on “In the Rain Shadow.” Therefore most of the titles on this album were taken from geological and meteorological features they experience every day. They reside in the literal rain shadow, a meteorological term describing the side of a mountain range that is sheltered and receives less precipitation due to wind patterns.

Mark Vickness

The purpose of the Album is to evoke a renewed appreciation for the opportunity to take pleasure in the various delights that rain shadow living has to offer. At the same time, it is phenomenal, spectacular, amazing, quiet, calming, gorgeous, and humble. “In the Rain Shadow” covers more subgenres and manages to provide moments that are absolutely awe-inspiring. Not only does the album include a wide range of musical styles, but it also provides a varied listening experience.

The album comes with new HD videos where the performances in each video were made to help viewers understand the compositions well.

There are seven people who make up this collective, and everyone of them is a virtuoso; thus they are exceptionally good at playing their instruments, and each has a unique musical understanding and experience. They can play various styles, from funk to raga, and have an infectious energy that is palpable on every track.

Don’t miss out on this new release, Enjoy on Spotify below.

Written by
Barbie Edonia


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